AreaFix enables remote reporting and manipulation of Echoes on Host/Tabby BBSs. The sysop can configure AreaFix to allow remote callers to ask regarding available Echoes and to turn services off and on for individual Echoes.
AREAFIX.USE.sea 14918
No Description Available
AreaTrix 1.0.4.cpt 25347
AreaTrix allows Tabby-based BBSs to process requests for turning on and off Echoes. Remotes can also get lists of available Echoes. AreaTrix also forwards files. AreaTrix works with Second Sight, Mansion and any other Tabby-compatible Mac hosts.
BusyOut 1.6.S 23933
Takes your modem off hook during a Tabby event so callers to your BBS get a busy signal.
Clean-by.cpt 4634
Clean-by is a preprocessor for TabbyNet SendNews. Its mission is to strip any lines containing only the string "SEEN-BY" from the seenby.bbs file, since Mac boards in net 102 have been plagued by crashes caused by these almost-empty lines.
Condor 1.0.cpt 17659
Condor is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility to regulate download quotas per month for a Second Sight BBS. To do so, it counts downloads each night, and if they exceed a pre-set level it sets or clears a user restriction flag defined by the system
Copernicus II.cpt 1027
Information on Copernicus II
Copy.cpt 9258
Copy is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility designed to take a snapshot of any text file before it's been processed by Tabby.
CPoint2.1.cpt 394591
CPoint2.1 - is an off-line reader that can be used with Cope(c) modules, Tabbyc(c) modules, WhiteMailer(c), MacWoof(c), Formula-1(c), QWK(c) and others. COUNTERPoint 2.1 provides a very flexible user interface for reading, posting and archiving Internet and Fidonet messages. Shareware $45.00 Lininger Technology, 385 Bowling Green Place, Gahanna, Ohio 43230.
Echo Listings.sea 87591
No Description Available
EchoListRules0493.sea 242827
No Description Available
EchoListTopics0493.sea 476622
No Description Available
F1Updater103e.cpt 129446
Updates Formula 1 to version 103e. For Tabby/Second Sight sysops.
Fakebot 1.43.cpt 13366
A replacement for the Tabby Robot which you can use with Tabby to crashmail one or more nodes with a minimum amount of fuss. Unlike Tabby Robot, Fakebot can be launched as an external command from your BBS to do its work.
ff 1.5.cpt 16412
A Tabby event-compatible utility which reads a list of users and node numbers, then scans your messages, exporting locally entered private messages addressed to users on your list to network private messages with valid addresses.
Fido Chat 13637
This article discusses Fidonet and Telefinder.
Fido Policy.sea 42480
No Description Available
FIDO1010.NWS.sea 29416
No Description Available
FIDO1011.NWS.sea 35706
No Description Available
FIDO1012.NWS.sea 97439
No Description Available
FIDO1013.NWS.sea 83140
No Description Available
FIDO1014.NWS.sea 87621
No Description Available
FIDO1015.NWS.sea 47877
No Description Available
FIDO1016.NWS.sea 16028
FidoNews is a weekly newsletter distributed in electronic form throughout the network. It is an important medium by which FidoNet sysops communicate with each other.
FidoHelp!.cpt 16005
Everything you always wanted to know about Fidonet, but were either afraid to ask, or didn't know whom to ask.
FidoNet&Pointing.cpt 4621
Information on Pointing under FidoNet 24994
No Description Available
Flip 1.0.3.cpt 15110
Flip 1.0.3 - Flip is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility which will automatically forward a list of 1-10 “magic” file names to a list of 1-10 nodes.
Generix v1.0.cpt 26698
Generix is actually 2 Tabby utilities that monitor your import and export files and generate usage reports
Gliders 1.4.2.cpt 9703
Tabby-compatible utility which extends events beyond Tabby’s limit of a 255-character script and which allows systems which don’t run Tabby to chain Tabby-compatible utility programs. Gliders is not specific to any BBS package.
Gyprock1.0.sit 6087
Restart Mac without ejecting CD-ROM, or other disk. Deletes the, LaunchRRH, and LaunchSS files, if they are present. This makes it suitable for the last position in a Tabby Event, which is especially handy if you experience memory errors
HyperTag 1.0.sit 92862
HyperTag is a Tagline/Originline generator for FidoNet/InterNet/UseNet etc. messages and will randomly generate taglines, allow you to select specific taglines, and much much more. Contains over 950 ready-to-post tags.
Informant 17183
Tabby informant can automatically write a message to echomail
Jump 1.2.cpt 4755
Tabby NetMail application to skip to next entry in file. Use to route around events such as TabbyNet DeliverMail by renaming it and TabbyNet DeliverMail. Even when it’s renamed, you can recognize Jump by its toadlike icon.
Killer 1.1.cpt 2768
Killer is designed to delete the file, if it exists. Then Killer launches the application name designated in its STR 500 resource.
Little 19866
Tabby/Fido utility
Log-O-Matic 1.72.cpt 16352
Log-O-Matic is a Host/Tabby NetMail application which can automatically maintain your UserLog, CallerLog and Tabby Logs, sorting and archiving in various ways.
MacTick.cpt 805
For handling tick file transfers.
MacWoof 1.5.3.sea 282777
No Description Available
Information on Mantissa 3.2 & List of new Features.
Mantissa 3.21.cpt 100741
Mantissa 3.21 - This utility is now unsupported and is placed in the Public Domain. Requires Second Sight 2.1. This is a great SS message controler.
Mantissa32(PW).sit 153890
Mantissa is a very powerful message base management utility designed to keep your SS's message base fit-n-trim. Delete messages by day limit, section limit. Archive deleted msgs. to text files. Super Fast! Renumber messages. Password required!
Mark Up 1.2.cpt 5600
Mark Up 1.2 - Mark Up cures the Tabby “Node Marked Down” blues. Configure it with a list of from one to six nodes. When it runs, it checks the Tabby Calls file in the Tabby Folder and if any of the nodes in its list is found, it zeroes out the bad calls.
Numberizer1.5c.sit 20015
NUMBERIZER1.5 - Renumber Msg base as part of a Tabby event
Order TABBY.cpt 950
Information on how to order Tabby from Michael Connick.
Pass 'Em Thru.sea 67859
No Description Available
PreStamp 3.2.cpt 33982
PreStamp 3.2 - PreStamp Fixes/Cleans up your callerlog. It formats the network mail events, so they conform to the format used throughout host and other utilities. It helps Archie and Probe produce valid stats.
Probe 3.2.cpt 37045
Probe 3.2 - This utility is now unsupported and is placed in the Public Domain. Requires Second Sight 2.1 Probe, is a Tabby compatible utility that will analyze your callerlog and product a detailed Stats report.
Quoter DA 1.0.cpt 17265
Quoter DA 1.0 - Quoter DA is a Desk Accessory whose main purpose is to convert text on the Clipboard into quotes in the form generally used by FidoNet boards.
Sequencer 3564
Tabby/Fido utility
Shoelace 1.0.sea 23083
No Description Available
ShutMeDown.sea 9694
No Description Available
ShutUp.cpt 2224
ShutUp - This tiny program simply shuts down the Mac. Useful for inclusion at the end of an event chain to shut down a BBS after ZMH or to close down a point system after early morning mail exchange.
Splice 1.31.cpt 5311
Splice 1.31 - Tabby NetMail-compatible utility to merge two to four text files into one output file. Useful if you want to combine a dynamic file, such as Quote of the Day, and a static file, such as an informational message, into one System message.
Sundial 3.2.cpt 33581
Sundial 3.2 - This utility is now unsupported and is placed in the Public Domain. Requires Second Sight 2.1. Sundial is used with the RRH Import Export Engines. Sundial reads a file provided by Tabby 2.0 and updates the Config file to the next scheduled
Tabby-Change Origin.sit 15638
Tabby event utility that changes your origin line for multiple nodes.
TABBY-Frag.sit 12537
M E Connicks Tabby compatible utility that prevents a program from launching until the previous program has properly ended, thus eliminating LOW MEMORY or NOT ENOUGH MEMORY errors.
TABBY-ZipExtr.cpt 33605
Zip Extract is a Tabby utility that extracts 'zipped' packets (usually received from Ms-Dos based Hosts)
TABBY.Beep 22366
No Description Available
TABBY.BulGen 213455
No Description Available
TABBY.Informant 32515
No Description Available
TABBY.Little 35359
No Description Available
TABBY.Sequencer 19089
No Description Available
TABBY.Terminator 1.0.3 26388
No Description Available
Tabby/SS Engines 79542
Engines for Second Sight Host and Tabby
TabbyFrag.sit 12501
Michael's Connick’s program FRAG. It will allow one program to complete BEFORE the other one loads, thereby saving a Low or out of memory error.
TabbyQ&DSetup 25998
Tabby Q&D Setup
Tabbytips 5242
Helpful tips for jumpstarting starting your Tabby
Tally 2.2.cpt 16242
Tally is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility designed to count messages posted during the past 10 days on your BBS system.
Terminator 1.03 11021
Tabby/Fido utility that looks for and deletes duplicate messages that occur on Second Sight Host.
TimeOutTabby.sea 58915
No Description Available
TImport 2.0.3.cpt 26844
A Second Sight 2.x/Tabby 2.0 NetMail utility designed to import Generic Tabby text files into Second Sight message sections. It processes the “Generic Import” text file created by Tabby 2.0, and turns it into Host-compatible messages.
TImport_1.331 19160
An early version of the Second Sight /Tabby utility TImport for importing network mail into your SS message sections.
Zenith 1.5.sit 46146
Zenith is a Tabby event utilty for Second Sight that scans defined file sections and generates reports including popular downloads, new uploads, etc...
ZipExtract2.cpt 35680
Tabby Zip Extract 2 - This version of ZipExtract is compatible with the new compression method used by PKZip 2.0x. Replaces Arc Extract in your event strings and crash mail strings. If packets aren’t Zipped, Arc Extract is automatically launched.